Welcome to the
Church of the Holy WIld.
The church where misfits fit.
Crosby Campus - Sundays: 8:30 am
14035 FM 2100 Crosby, TX 77532 - Get Directions
New Caney Campus - Sundays: 10:30 am
22152 Baptist Encampment Rd. New Caney, Tx. 77357 - Get Directions
watch the message Live
Despite the times we are in, we still meet in person at both campuses every Sunday. But if watching online is your preference right now, catch us LIVE at 8:30 am!
if you missed the message this week, here’s a replay from the live archive:
Find where you fit.
Search our Service Groups, Connect Groups, Life Groups.
You gotta give a dime.
Learn to give your firstfruits & watch your life transform.
Study. Learn. Grow.
Find tools & resources to help you deepen your relationship with God.
With a Servant’s HEart,
you can change the world. Find opportunities to serve where you are.
Just SAid “YEs” to Jesus? Best Decision Ever!
Here’s a resource to help you navigate your new Walk with Christ.
Find your place. fulfill your purpose.
Upcoming Events
With over 25 Service Groups, Connect Groups & Life Groups between our two church locations, our event calendar stays pretty full! Stay in the loop & see what we’re up to.
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. - Matthew 7:7
Seek wisdom. Study the word.

Prayer Requests
Are you in need of prayer? Let our Prayer Warriors pray with you.
Praise Reports
Have your prayers been answered? Let us celebrate with you!
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28