Watch our church services live

Now Live-streaming from both Church locations


Crosby Campus | LIVE ON YOUTUBE

Sundays at 8:30 am | 1st Tuesdays at 7:30 pm


Sundays at 10:30 am | 1st Wednesdays at 7:30 pm


What was previously HolyWild.TV is now right here!

We know life can be chaotic. While nothing can replace the fellowship of believers in the local body, we understand getting to one of our campuses may not always be possible. Previously, we needed a special website for our livestream capabilities. We are now able to integrate it directly into our home site!

Access the live-stream videos from both of our church locations, using your favorite platforms. Our Crosby Campus still streams onto Youtube (you can find us here). Our New Caney Campus is now streaming on Facebook Live (you can find us here).

Whichever platform you choose, our prayer is that you would be blessed and strengthened by tuning in to hear Pastor Jerry from wherever you are. Watch us live, or catch the replay in our Video Archive. You’re sure to be blessed.


Crosby Campus Services


New caney Campus Services

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Video Archives