About TLCC
We’re a holy wild bunch!
this is your chance to get to know us a bit.
We’re Not your typical church goers.
Our first service was a bible study on Easter Sunday. It consisted of a small group of wildly different individuals, who all came together for a common reason—to spend time in the Word and celebrate the Resurrection. What started as a “small bible study” grew from five to seventy-five within a few months. Now, 18 years later, our church has grown into two locations and over 1000 people who claim Pastor Jerry as their Pastor. We’re still a group of wildly different individuals, and we still come together to spend time in the Word and celebrate Jesus.
We’re a bunch of Jesus Lovin’ Misfits
We pride ourselves in being the place “Where Misfits Fit.” We are a non-denominational, bible-based church seeking balance in an unbalanced world. We have bikers and gear heads, country folk and uptowners, people of all ages and backgrounds; all who call our church “home.” That’s why we have over 25 different ministries and connect groups to be a part of. There’s something here for everybody, and our sanctuary is a “safe place” for all.
Our facilities are as unique as our people.
The New Caney Campus is nestled in “the woods,” located in the heart of Camp Holy Wild, our 110 acre ranch. You’ll find us “where the blacktop ends,” surrounded by Texas Pines, 2 fishing ponds, and nature all around. You’ll park on the lawn, and find deer heads on the walls. It’s just who we are.
Our Crosby Campus is a bit more traditional—located in the heart of Crosby, Tx. We like to say we’re “The Ace between The King and The Queen,” because our church is located right off of 2100, between the Burger King and the Dairy Queen. You’ll find a more traditional sanctuary, with church pews and a fellowship hall. But don’t be mistaken, we’re a bunch of misfits out there, too!
When you find your pastor, you find your church.
Pastor Jerry is not your typical pastor, we are not your typical church, and we sure like it that way. If you’re looking for a place to “fit,” join us for a Sunday Service. You’ll be greeted with a warm smile, a handshake and a loaf of freshly baked bread. You’re sure to feel right at home.
Our Namesake
We are The Little Country Church, but thankfully our name is a wonderful oxymoron. We’re not so little—especially our personalities—and we’re far from the small, white steepled building you see in the movies. We don’t sing hymns, and we don’t condemn rock and roll.
Instead, we’re a holy wild bunch! We drive fast cars and listen to our music a little too loud. We believe in living life outside of your comfort zone and “doing it afraid,” because that’s how God does it, and He created us in His image.
Psalm 68:4 calls us to “sing praise, extol Him who rides on the clouds, and rejoice before Him.” What a wild God He must be to ride on the clouds as His pastime—holy and wild!
Romans 8:11 tells us “The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.” Then, in Matthew 14, Jesus proved it to be true when He called Peter to climb out of the boat and walk on the water with Him. And he did! Peter walked on the waves with Jesus, in the middle of the night.
If we believe this to be true—and we believe the Bible is Truth—then we know that we are made in God’s image, that His spirit is within us, that we are called to live as He lives, and that our God is a wild and free, living God. As a church, we believe that we, too, should live a holy and wild life, and this is a prominent pillar in our church culture.
Meet the Holy Wild Team
Pastor Jerry Hovater
Executive Pastor
PASTOR Joseph Walter
Associate Pastor
PASTOR Josh Bounds
Student Pastor
Josiah Ramirez
Worship Leader
Sister Lori Hovater
Pastor’s Wife
Renee Easterling
Financial Administrator
Josiah Hovater
Administrative Assistant
KAte Davis
Creative Director
We are Overcomers
A true leader leads by example, and Pastor Jerry demonstrates that brilliantly. From his humble beginnings, we see an overcomer—being raised on Wheeler Mountain, the first in is family to leave Alabama, attending Bible College in Texas, overcoming adversities throughout his career, “planting” several churches, and growing TLCC to two locations with a host camp. Throughout his life he’s pressed on and persevered, and he’s taught us to do the same.
In 2017, our New Caney Campus was hit by hurricane Harvey, as was most of the Houston Area. We had overcome hurricane damage in the past, but it was nothing like this. Our sanctuary was devastated, our properties flooded, families displaced, and 17 out of 18 buildings on our property were ransacked by the rushing rapids of hurricane waters.
We could have easily been immobilized by shock, stress, and fear. Instead, we stood strong, gathered together and worked day in, and day out, to get our facilities back up and running again. We received support from our members and community, as well as churches from all over the country who know and love us, and our pastor.
Within one month, we were gathering for services again. In three months our sanctuary was re-opened. In six months Camp Holy Wild was back up and running. And after one year of working and rebuilding, Pastor Jerry and his family were back in their home.
It took the hard work and dedication of our church family to lift us back up after a storm like that. And one year after the work was completed, Tropical Storm Imelda came and knocked us down again.
This time the recovery was quicker—more efficient. We knew what we were doing and had access to the resources we needed to rebuild. One month after the storm we were having church in our sanctuary. Within three months our facilities were repaired. And after six months, Pastor Jerry and his family were in their home again.
Then 2020 happened. When churches were called to close their doors, we started a “drive in” style service instead. When we were allowed to gather again, three months later, we hadn’t missed a single service, and our congregation stayed as strong and healthy as ever.
In fact, our people are some of the strongest people we know. Our leadership does not stand in fear, and neither will we. We put our trust in the Lord, and continue to gather in His mighty name. We are a family and we will gather together, grow together, and thrive together, despite all odds. We will persevere through whatever life throws our way, because we are a church of overcomers.