“it is by grace you have been saved, through faith… it is the gift of God.” - Ephesians 2:8
Who we are
We’re a group of women who have quickly become like family—sisters. We’re a wonderfully diverse blend of ladies from different walks of life—new believers, senior believers, and even the ones who are just curious of what God has to offer—who come together in unity as ONE to serve our God almighty.
What we do
Our primary activity is our weekly bible study, though it is not mandatory. We use workbook style studies to keep us accountable individually, and it’s been beautiful to watch our individual studies enhance our spiritual growth as a group. Our purpose is to build connections not only between each other, but a connection to the kingdom as well.
get involved
Our meetings alternate at each campus on Sundays after service. We also host potlucks, luncheons and other activities periodically. We’re always up to something, and are looking for more ladies to join us as sisters in Christ. If you’re looking for fellowship and accountability in your spiritual growth, come hang out with us!
Upcoming Events
We update our event calendar each month. If there is nothing displayed in this area, check back soon to see what we’re up to!