Beyond Broken


My cousin has turned her mosaic hobby into a business, creating beautiful pieces of art by placing broken pieces of glass in multiple patterns which results in a beautiful and unique picture. She has creatively named her business “Beyond Broken.”

Sometimes in our lives, situations leave us feeling shattered, often to the point where we feel hopeless, like there’s no way to recover. But you see, God sees beyond broken; He can take the broken pieces of your life and create a beautiful piece of art, a perfectly imperfect new creation, as long as you can endure the timing it takes for Him to place each piece in its most effective place.

When God puts all the pieces back together, don’t be ashamed of the cracks. They are living proof of God’s hand in your life, a testimony to His merciful goodness. Those small cracks in you can allow God’s light to shine through so that others can appreciate the beauty of your suffering—leading them hopefully to inquire how they too can have all their pieces put back together.

When others look at you and judge you for all your faults, thinking you are beyond hope, you can smile and tell them you are beyond broken.   


Cast Your Bread


Consistently Inconsistent