Cancel That Commotion!

Some people, when asked, say the secret to a good marriage is communication. While I agree with that, my answer would have to be a good pair of ear plugs. No need to go to the couch or another bedroom when a freight train is going through yours, no…just make sure you’re prepared!

All kidding aside, there are also noise-cancelling head phones on the market, but they wouldn’t be very comfortable in bed! These high-tech head phones can cancel out noise, like gun shots or fireworks, while still allowing you to hear voices of people around you. I don’t know how they work, but they are really nice when you’re hunting or on the gun range.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have some spiritual noise-cancelling head phones? They would be manufactured to cancel out the noise and commotion of the world and only allow us to hear voices of those speaking positively into our lives…like the voice of God, our Pastor, family and like-minded friends. They would be very sensitive, able to pick up the slightest negativity so that we wouldn’t be tempted to engage it, feed off of it, or spread it.

Since those don’t exist, we have to train our ears to filter out the negativity before it infiltrates our brain, causing us to stumble or lose hope. The only way to really do that is to be knowledgeable of God’s promises to us so we can quickly dispute anything that contradicts what we know to be truth. Becoming armed with the Word of God won’t happen overnight, so in the meantime, get a good pair of ear plugs!


Looks Can Be Deceiving


What If?