Fortune vs. Favor

Recently, Dennis and I ate at a Chinese Food restaurant, and as always, we looked forward to eating our fortune cookie and reading the fortune that’s tucked inside. Sometimes they seem so profound and sometimes we’re not quite sure what Confucius was trying to say. Either way, we get a good laugh and go about our day. Today, our fortune read, “With luck on your side, now is the time to make a bold move.” Dennis threw it down and said, “I don’t believe in luck.”

You see, we’ve been taught over the last several years that God is the source of ALL things good in our lives. Yes, He expects us to work hard, use our gifts, and spread the Word; but He’s the reason Dennis has a job, He’s the one who gave us the gifts that help us fulfill our purpose on a daily basis. It is not luck that got us to where we are today. It’s the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father, who watches over us, provides for us, and protects us each and every day.  

So I’m amazed when I see people who sit under the same preacher reading horoscopes or knocking on wood. Can I knock on your brain??? God may have made the stars, but the stars don’t align so that some person can sit behind a computer and predict your life. Knocking on wood doesn’t bring you any more luck than the fortune in my cookie. We need to understand, and ACT on, the fact that the favor in our lives is a gift from our Father, not some mysterious force or scrap of paper hidden inside a cookie. So eat the cookie…read the fortune, but never forget, the Father’s favor is all you’ll ever need.


Touch the Coal to My Lips


Forged in Fire