Happy Valentine’s DayS

February 14th...Valentine’s Day…the day of love, established in the year 496 AD to celebrate Saint Valentine of the Roman Catholic church. But that’s 496 years after Jesus died, and He was the epitome of love. A famous verse we sometimes associate with Christmas is John 3:16 because God gave us His Son, the most perfect gift, but it’s appropriate for today also because what God did was an act of unconditional love that none of us could ever fathom.

There are different kinds of love, but this unconditional love that God had for His Son, the same love He has for you and me, is called agape in the Greek language. In my bible it gives this description: An undefeatable benevolence and unconquerable goodwill that always seeks the highest good of the other person, no matter what he does. It is the self-giving love that gives freely without seeking anything in return. Agape is more a love by choice than philos, which is love by chance, and it refers to the will rather than emotion.

That is a rare kind of love, and if we’re honest, we can’t even come close to loving anyone like that. That’s why recognizing that God love us to that measure, even though we mess up ALL THE TIME, is so very valuable. When we know, even in our darkest or loneliest hour, that someone loves us that much, it makes life a little easier to bear.

Over 1500 years ago, they shared a feast to celebrate a saint, and today we scurry around to find the perfect Hallmark card, the best chocolates, or the softest stuffed animal to give to our loved ones. But for God, it’s not about a day, it’s about EVERY day…24/7/365…around-the-clock, unconditional love. If you don’t know it—if you don’t feel it—get to know Him. Read His book…the word “love” is in there over 500 times. 1 John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” YOU ARE LOVED!


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