“Hey Trouble…I Can Hardly See You!
My mom posted something on Facebook that I really liked. I will paraphrase the content to save some time…A boy asked his dad “what is the size of God?” The dad pointed to a plane in the sky and said, “how big is that plane?” The son looked up to the sky and said, “it’s very small, I can barely see it.” So the dad took his son to the airport and asked him again, how big was the plane. “It’s HUGE!” he replied. The dad then told his son, “God’s size depends on how close or far away you are from Him.”
Planes are fascinating to me…how that much weight can take off and fly in the air; how from the ground it looks like it’s going so slowly, yet it’s actually flying very fast, nearly nine times that of a car’s speed on the highway. They can look like ants in the sky, but we all know how big passenger planes are, even the smallest ones.
The dad’s lesson for his son is so relevant and comes to us at this most precious time of year, when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. God loves us so very much, but gave us free will in His design, which means we can stray from Him if we choose to. Sometimes, we don’t come to know God until later in life; sometimes, we’re brought up knowing Him but as adults, we choose to chart our own course. During this time, God can seem so small, because His presence seems so distant. But when we get to know Him, or circle back for another attempt, He grows bigger and bigger, not only in our sight, but in our minds and heart.
We begin to see things we hadn’t seen before…even though they were there before. God’s presence is more evident, you can feel it all around you…even though it was there before. There is a hymn, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, and the chorus is this, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” When we focus less on the chaos around us and turn our gaze to Jesus, the things we used to think were so big, suddenly start to fade. They may not go away, but by His grace, we’ve been given a new perspective and strength to get through it.
If you’ve not experienced the greatness of God, I encourange you this season to find a church, open a bible and get to know your Father in Heaven, the One who sent His son for you.