Hot Mess to Restored

The picture above was taken during the restoration of the yellow beater (as he calls it), BoRN AGaiN (as the plates read) I’m talking about Dennis’ 1969 Camaro. He did all the work himself, which in and of itself was no small feat, so we were able to capture pictures, like this one, at all the stages of the build. I remember thinking, but knowing better not to ask, “how in the world are you going to make all those wires connect to something…and more importantly, the right something?” It looked like a hot mess, but I trusted that he knew what he was doing. In the end, he proved he did in fact know what he was doing…never mind that the windshield wipers come on when you play the stereo…Just Kidding!

Have you ever heard someone say “you are fearfully and wonderfully made?” It’s more than just a saying, it’s in the bible and can be found in Psalm 139:14. The word “fearfully” in Hebrew isn’t about being afraid, it means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.” The word “wonderfully” translates as “unique and set apart.” That tells me that God put a lot of thought into the process when He made humans. Have you ever REALLY thought about how He designed you? I have and after a very short time, my mind is blown, boggled and in awe of the complexity of the human body.

Just like all those wires hanging from the dash, God had to make every intricate part of our bodies connect with such precision, from the cells that would carry life-giving oxygen, to the tendons that would allow you to bend and move, to the organs that would each perform a vital function to sustain life…He had to connect all the dots perfectly, so that we could have life. And if you want to throw another mind-bending miracle on top of that…He created all of that to be the size of an infant that would grow into an adult…of different heights and sizes!! If that doesn’t blow you away, I’m guessing nothing will.

With great reverence and heart-felt interest He created something so unique and set apart that it would be undeniable that it was His vision and design…yet people do deny it; some even believe in evolution. But we can read in Genesis 1:37 that “God created mankind in His own image,” which implies perfection, because God Himself is perfect and without flaw.

We may be a hot mess, but we have to trust that God knows what He’s doing and that He’s not going to stop working on us until the day Jesus returns. (Phil. 1:6) Now THAT’S a restoration project!


Can You Feel the Heat?


Stepping on Toes