I Don’t Serve a T-Rex God!

I’d like to start off by saying that I love how God will introduce me to a scripture when I’m searching for something else. Then He activates my brain to see it in a light that inspires a HOPE Note; hopefully something that will enlighten you too and give you hope!

I like to text scriptures to my kids, to encourage them and to let them know I love them, I’m thinking of them and I’m praying for them. As I was searching for one to send, I came across a scripture that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen or heard, and if I did, it didn’t resonate with me. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or His ear dull, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1.

I kid you not, the first thing that popped into my mind was a Tyrannosaurus Rex! The T-Rex dinosaur was a beast, but oddly enough, it had very short, out-of-proportion arms. When I look at pictures of them, I envision that they would have had difficulty in life; however, they were considered the most fearsome of all the dinosaurs. What we see as a potential hinderance of this large carnivore, some scientists believe the short arms of the T-Rex gave it a great advantage when attacking and restraining its prey.

This scripture out of Isaiah tells us that God’s hand is not shortened that it can’t save. This gives me a visual of God’s hand reaching down all the way from Heaven to either bless us in our time of need, hold us in our time of grief, or pick us up in our time of despair. God’s arms are not like those of the T-Rex; restricted only by our limited thinking. We put God in a box when we think He can’t help us in any circumstance. We recognize He’s a BIG God, but when it comes to us faithfully believing in His abilities, we restrict His capacity to bless us when we doubt.

Whatever you’re facing today, know that your problem is NOT out-of-proportion with God’s ability to see you through it. His hand is not too short to save you and His ear is not too dull that He doesn’t hear your cry for help.


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