Let the Rain Do the Talking

When my husband Dennis started restoring his ’69 Camaro, some of his family couldn’t understand why he’d spend THAT much time, effort and money for a car. Why not take that money and go on a nice vacation or save it for a rainy day, or better yet, buy a NEW car?

What they didn’t understand, is that Dennis’ vision for that car was not just so he’d have a hotrod, but that he would have a tool to witness to others. You see, that car was “born” in the early 80’s when he built one car out of two old Camaros, but by the late 80’s it was not running well, and he didn’t have the money or time to fix it. It sat and rusted for over 20 years in his parent’s yard. After accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior, being born again, Dennis decided to restore that car. As close as we could get it, the custom plates on the car are BRNAGN…Born Again. It’s a conversation starter when people ask what it means, and we can share with them how God can take something that others see no value in and turn it into something great, whether it’s a car or one of His kids.

Sure, all those who doubted his motives or his sanity LOVE the car NOW, but where was their support when he needed it? Doesn’t matter…he had my support and more importantly, he had the support of our God; the One who gave him the skills and knowledge to do all that work himself, the One who provided for us through all those years of crazy spending and tediously long hours in the garage.

Have you ever seen the movie “Evan Almighty?” A common businessman was visited by God and told to build an Ark, like Noah’s. Just as they did Evan in the movie, can you imagine the sneers of Noah’s family, friends, community? But Noah had heard from God and he honored that call when he continued building the ark. He didn’t have time to explain himself to every doubter and hater. It’s easy to get distracted by what the world thinks and says, but you’ve got to stay focused. Noah knew what was coming…keep building and let the rain do the talking!




The Best Gift Is Giving