Magnify God

You’ve heard the saying “making mountains out of molehills.” It’s used when we take a small situation and turn it into a HUGE situation; we blow something way out of proportion, whether to draw attention to ourselves, or out of fear…the reasons are countless. If we’re honest, we’re all guilty of doing it at some point.

There’s a song by We Are Messengers, titled “Magnify.” The bridge in this song goes like this, “Oh God, be greater than the worries in my life, be stronger than the weakness in my mind, be louder, let your glory come alive, be magnified.”

Why can’t we blow God out of proportion? Why can’t we magnify Him instead of all our problems? I heard it said before, “stop telling God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is!” The presence of God in our lives does not diminish because we are facing hardship, but the presence of hardship may diminish if we are facing God!! The bible tells us that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than we could ask or think. (Eph. 3:20) Let that sink in a minute. We can’t ask BIG enough, or think BIG enough, so what makes us think whatever we’re facing is too big for God?

We’ve got to get to a place – or get back to a place – where the promises of God to have our backs, to provide for us and to protect us are imbedded in our mind. We’ve got to stop looking at our problems with a magnifying glass and instead, we need to face God and with great boldness, tell Satan to go fly a kite!


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