Spring Has Sprung!

I was walking through my backyard and I realized…SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Bushes and trees that have been bare are showing signs of life with little specks of green at the tips of their branches. Thin blades of seasonal grass are sprouting up from the ground, and birds are gathering soft, billowy makings for their nests. Though we don’t get extreme cold weather here in Texas, we do hit the freezing mark a few times a year and the plants that are native to this region sometimes can’t handle it. During the winter, when they’re bare, and you don’t see any life in the plant, you wonder if it will survive. That’s why I get excited when I see those first signs of spring and new growth.

As believers, we go through seasons, too. We have Summers when life is good, all is going as planned and everyone is happy. Then Fall is upon us–maybe we stumble a little, have some setbacks, and the countenance on our face changes, like the colors of the leaves on the trees. When we go through Winter, we can turn cold and dry, our hearts harden, like a puddle of water turned to ice. Depression can set in because we don’t venture out, connecting with others who can warm us up.

But then comes Spring!  What a glorious season for the believer! Spring is all about hope and new life. Just like the signs I’m seeing in my backyard, come spring time, there are signs all around us that can lead us out of our Winter. I’m not a theologian, so I don’t know if the resurrection actually occurred during the time of year that we now celebrate Easter, but it so appropriate, isn’t it? In the meteorological weather seasons, we usually see timely transition between them, but in Calvary, it was Winter one day, and three days later it was full on Spring!

The days and acts leading to the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ were dark and dreary. He was placed in a tomb and three days later, He rose again! How amazing that must have been for his disciples to witness that; He kept His word even after death! His resurrection is a promise to us, a new hope, that we will have a new life, an everlasting life when we too can recognize with amazement at what He did for us.

Go outside and take a look around. With a fresh perspective, see the new life that is taking place all around you and feel the budding of love in your heart for a Father who is ALWAYS there for you…summer, fall, winter and spring.



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