Storms Are Essential
In my very limited memory of biology, I remember that plants need the sun to power up photosynthesis, the process of turning the carbon dioxide and water into food. So in order to grow, to thrive and get stronger, plants need sunshine. As humans, we have a physical need sunshine too, but in our spiritual life, we also need some rain. It’s in the storms that we find out how strong we are, because we learn to trust not in our own strength, but in the strength of our Father. It’s in those storms that we learn to strive to survive and ultimately thrive!
During my battle with cancer, I had so many people tell me in so many words that they could never go through what I was going through. As well-meaning as they were trying to be, I would think, “what a silly thing to say.” You don’t know what you’re capable of until you’re given a death sentence or a chance to live by following a regimen designed to cure you. We are all stronger than we know, but either we weren’t raised to know that or we’ve not yet faced that monster life tsunami. Even though we don’t ask for the storms to come, when they’re heading our way, instead of tucking tail and running, we should face it head on, knowing who’s got our back. Think about David…he could have easily been intimidated by the size of Goliath, but it didn’t scare him…he knew the size of his God.
I live near Houston, TX, so we are very familiar with hurricanes. When there’s a storm brewing in the Gulf, most people who live along the coast begin to prepare. They may board of windows, shop for supplies, and sometimes they evacuate, depending on the storm’s severity. As believers, we are also called to prepare for battle. Ephesians 6 tells us about armor that we need to put on daily to fight off the enemy. Psalm 144:1 says we should bless the Lord, our rock, because He trains our hands for war and our fingers for battle. A weather app isn’t going to help you in the storms of this life…you’re gonna need direction and guidance from Him who created AND calmed the storm.
When we get through our storms victoriously, we have a new perspective which allows us to better handle future storms and then help others through their storms. So whatever you’re going through, don’t look for the sun to come out tomorrow, look for the Son to come out today, for it is His light that will guide you in the dark and see you through to the other side.
Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord! Psalm 31:24