The Power of Dependence

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We are so dependent on electricity, aren’t we? The power went out shortly after I woke up, so I’m sitting here with no coffee, and that may not be the best way to start my day. Some of us cook with electricity, we keep our cars in garages which are powered with electric openers, we feel lost without our TV and internet, we depend on electricity to light our homes. I even had to go old school and write my thoughts with pen and paper because my laptop was telling me my battery was low.

Electricity is a great thing and I thank God for people like Ben Franklin who persevered in his attempts to create electricity and Thomas Edison who took that and created the light bulb. But God is the ultimate inventor of light, and not by toiling for years to get it right. He spoke it from His lips and it was so. He is the one who empowers us, He is the one who shines brightly through us when we allow Him into our lives.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were so dependent on THAT source of light that we’d feel lost and in the dark without it? We’d do anything for the power to come back because without it, we’re helpless? Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The bible tells us also in Matt. 6:33 to seek God first in ALL we do. That word seek doesn’t just mean “to look for,” it implies trust, dependence, and faith…Trust God first in all you do, Depend on God first in all you do, have Faith in God first in all you do. When we can learn to depend on God more than we depend on any other power, whether that’s electricity, money, social status, etc., then God will be faithful to supply our needs; as the end of Matt. 6:33 says, “and ALL these things will be added to you.” THAT is the power of dependence.


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