There’s a Weason Why

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Many years ago, Pastor coined the phrase “Holy Wild,” I think in an effort to get others on board with his revelation…that we do not serve a stoic, wrathful God, who is sitting on a throne, waiting to throw down the gauntlet on our sin. Instead, we serve a crazy God…a wave walkin’, mud healin’, storm calmin’ God who is wildly in love with His kids…and in case you didn’t know…that’s you and me! Some time after that, he preached a sermon called “There’s a Weason Why the Wild Woos You.” First let’s talk about the word, “woo.” It’s not a commonly used term anymore, but back in the day, it was used to describe how a boy would court a girl he liked, what he’d do to attract her attention. So, what’s the weason…I mean reason, why the wild woos us? Think about a good action film in the theater. The surround sound, the lights, the action taking place on a massive screen; it keeps you on the edge of your seat, it keeps you interested and engaged. Now consider an Italian opera with subtitles…maybe entertaining to some, but for most, probably a snooze fest.

God is always vying for our attention and He will do whatever He needs to do to get it. He wants you engaged and on-the-edge-of-your-seat excited about what He’s doing in your life. He wants you to tell all your friends about Him too, just like you’d share about that great movie you saw last weekend. If God hasn’t done anything crazy in your life, open the bible and read some of the original stories…Jonah and the whale, 5000 people fed with a fish and some bread, the parting of the Red Sea. That’s some crazy stuff, but, hey…all in a day’s work for our Heavenly Father.  There’s a weason why the wild woos you. It’s because He’s Holy Wild about you and He wants you to be Holy Wild about Him.


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