Too Many ME’s

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I recently saw a commercial for Zillow, an online real estate marketplace. An employee enters the boardroom and addresses the people sitting at the table, except they’re all a version of herself. She’s got a house for sale and a house to buy and she asks for feedback. Negative “me” pipes up with reasons why she can’t and just says “NO!” Stressed “me” can’t handle the question, Lazy “me” is just too bored to be of any assistance, and then Helpful “me” chimes in and says “why not just use Zillow!”

It’s just a silly ad, but it made me think about how many times in our daily lives do we look within ourselves – our tired selves, our stressed selves, our negative selves – to find answers to our questions, instead of looking to the Book of answers that God laid out for us? What happens when I follow the advice of lazy “me” or stressed “me?” I probably don’t make the best decisions at that point. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek FIRST the Kingdom. Be like Helpful “me” and say, “why not just ask God?” Learn to seek Him first, before you look for answers from within or from anyone else who may also be suffering bad advice syndrome from too many inner me’s.


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