A Buried Coin Can’t Grow


I’m not very knowledgeable on the stock market, but it’s easy enough to understand that stocks, if bought and sold properly, or timely, can make you very rich, or they can leave you broke. Some stocks are riskier than others, while some are fairly safe, but may not offer any remarkable returns. It comes down to what you’re willing to invest. They say when you’re younger, you should take bigger risks, because if you lose big, you have time to recover. However, if you’re older or nearing retirement, a smaller but consistent payout is the way to go.

When we make a deposit into our bank account, we can then withdraw money from it accordingly. You can never get out more than you put in and trying to withdraw from an empty account can get you in a lot of trouble. Sometimes our accounts earn interest, a percentage of that which we put in, paid back to us, which builds our money portfolio. When we invest in the kingdom, with our time, talent and treasure, we are able to withdraw from God His blessings, His mercy and His strength. Investing in the Kingdom could be giving financially, but it could also be loving your neighbor, or it could be forgiving a debt or someone who’s hurt you; either way, investing in the Kingdom earns His interest. He sees when we are living righteously, investing in building the kingdom, and He is more than happy to reward us accordingly. If we choose not to invest in the kingdom, but instead live in and for the world, we drain our Godly account. Luke 13:27 says that Jesus will look us in the face and tell us he does not know us, and demand that we go away!

What have you put into the Kingdom that you are able to build on? Have you taken any risks to ensure a sizeable return or are you playing it safe? Jesus teaches us in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) that God is not pleased when we squander what He’s given us. God wants us to use our money, our time and our talent to build His portfolio, to bring many into the Kingdom. Learn to balance wise investing with taking risks and watch how God will reward you.


The ABC’s of Application


A Bag, A Bottle and a Book