The ABC’s of Application


We can go to church, sing a song and hear a message, but if we don’t walk away changed, we’ve accomplished nothing. We need to allow songs to penetrate our spirit and the Word of God to change us through daily application. So how do we do that? We must first soften our hearts, creating a fertile ground to absorb those life-changing words, whether through song or sermon. Secondly, we need to put God’s word to the test by working it into our daily lives. Below, the word APPLY to help you accomplish this.

A = Accept. We must accept the truths God has laid out for us in His word. They are for me, they are for you—we can’t begin to apply anything until we know what those blessings are and that they are meant for us.

P = Ponder. 2 Tim. 2:7 says “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” You may not (probably won’t) just pick up a bible, and instantly believe that all of it is true or possible, but the longer you know God and build a relationship with Jesus, you’ll come to find out you can trust His word, which leads me to my next letter.

P = Perceive. Webster’s describes it as “become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.” Once we can perceive it, we can achieve it!

L = Leave. In order to apply God’s truths, we must leave some things behind. For instance, we can’t apply His forgiveness for our sins while we continue to hold grudges over others or refuse to forgive someone who’s wronged us. Leave your burdens at His feet so that you can live freely in His ways and favor.

Y = Yield. God gave us free will, but when we learn to submit (yield) to His will for our lives, we realize our will begins to line up with His.

It’s not enough to just sing a song and quote a scripture. That does not make us a Christian. It’s hearing the song in your heart, letting it reach you where nothing else can, to inspire you and to change you. It’s about opening the Book, not just to memorize a verse or two, it’s knowing “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

It's all about application!



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