Be Inspired

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A friend posted the following on Facebook, “Sit me next to the Woman that’s doing BETTER THAN ME so I can LEARN! Some of y’all are so insecure that y’all only feel better around people that you feel are beneath you. No sis, learn to be INSPIRED not INTIMIDATED!”

I was so moved by the comment, I knew I wanted to expand it into a HOPE Note. Women are beings created as compassionate helpmates, so it’s hard to understand why we can be so estranged around other women. But it’s no secret that we have self-esteem issues and we struggle to find our place in this world. I really love how it said instead of being intimidated by other women, we need to be inspired by them, in an effort to learn and become better women ourselves.

We each have something to offer, but God can’t open the door for others to be inspired if our arrogance is in the way. I found some verses in Philippians that I liked. 2:3-5 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” It goes on to explain how Jesus could have used his equality to God to His advantage, but instead He humbled Himself, to serve others…to be an example.

We can overcome insecurity be reminding ourselves daily that we are precious in His sight, created in His image. There’s no competition when you recognize that; when you realize you were created with purpose and a destiny. Don’t be intimidated by other women who you think have it all together, or have more “biblical” knowledge than you. We all have issues and we all fall short of perfection in God’s eyes. Be inspired by them, allowing them to share with you their triumphs and their failures so that you may be encouraged and transformed.

There are women in our church that I gravitate towards because I value what they have to say and covet their wisdom, whether it was gained through books or personal experience. I have much to learn. I hope one day, the younger women in the house will look to me with that same enthusiasm, eager to glean what was passed on to me.


To Tithe or Not to Tithe


Coincidence or Miracle?