Be Your Own Valentine

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I’m no expert in “finding love” because I fell in love with and married my High School sweetheart, so I’ve never been single as an adult. But I think I’ve learned enough about God and seen enough of my friends deal with this to know that for anyone else to love you, you have to first love you. That’s easier said than done when we are experts at seeing and pointing out our own flaws. But I believe when we can look in the mirror and smile, when we can see our worth, in not just our outward appearance, but ourselves as a whole, we can be open for others to love us too.

I also believe that being alone and being lonely aren’t the same thing. You could be in a stadium full of people or in a relationship and still be lonely. When you love yourself, being alone can be nice…quiet time to focus on a project or a good book. But to combat loneliness requires a change of perspective. Look at your aloneness as an opportunity to try something new, like joining a gym or finding a new hobby. Not only could the planning of these activities take your mind off of being lonely, these opportunities can introduce you to others.

Take time to get to know yourself and fall in love with yourself. God’s plans for you may not yet be revealed, but His timing is always perfect. The truth about finding love is finding God and learning from Him what true love is all about.

1 John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”



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