Rattle God’s Cage


Listening to the radio, I heard a line in Elevation Worship’s song, Rattle, that said God’s not running out of miracles any time soon. That seems silly, but I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve heard people say that their need is so small, they feel bad for “bothering” God with it! WHAT?!? God is in the business of miracles and taking care of our needs, whether they are big or small. Philippians 4:6 (AMP) says “Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God.” In EVERYTHING…not just the big stuff…not “if you’re rich and famous,” not “if you’ve been a good Christian this week.” No…when a situation arises, this verse tells us not to worry, thank Him for what He’s done for you already and ask Him to do it again.

Maybe your need IS big and “worthy” (in your worldly vision) of God’s attention, but you’re running low on faith or hope that even He can help. This same song also asks, “Since when has impossible ever stopped You?” We sometimes think our troubles are TOO big, that nothing or no one could possibly help. That is us putting God in a box, snuffing out any chance of Him making the impossible possible. God probably looks at what we call impossible and chuckles! He probably thinks, “I could do that with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back.”

If we think about it, every time God answers our prayers, it’s a miracle. How else can we explain a God who helps us when we absolutely don’t deserve it, big or small. He’s not running out of miracles any time soon, so just ask already!!


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