
Exceedingly Abundantly.jpg

Who are the biggest dreamers? Children of course! Their vivid imaginations can entertain them for hours…and exhaust a parent all the while! One day, they may dream of growing up to be an astronaut, and the next day they want to be a fireman. At Christmas time, kids are eager to share with Santa or anyone who will listen what they want under the tree, and that list can be mighty long…because they’ve not yet lost their innocence…they’re still dreamers!

In Ephesians chapter 3, Paul writes about the mystery of God and how wonderful it can be with the right perspective. He encourages others to not lose heart when they see the trials he faces, but instead that they might be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, rooted and grounded in love. The chapter ends with verses 20 and 21, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Above all that we ask or think. The Message bible says, “beyond your wildest dreams!”

The root word ‘exceed’ is defined as “to go beyond what is allowed or stipulated.” The word ‘abundant’ is defined as “existing or available in large quantities; having plenty of.” Pastor has taught us, “you have not because you ask not.” He has taught us to be specific and pray with expectancy.  But what about what we think of? What about all the things that never leave our lips, but stay reserved in our hearts? Maybe you’ve dreamed your whole life of being the first in your family to go to college, but when the time comes, there’s no money to make that happen, or maybe your GPA isn’t stellar and you can’t get a scholarship. EXCEEDINGLY. ABUNDANTLY. Beyond your wildest dreams.

There’s a show tune from an old Broadway play that sings, “Anything you can do, I can do better.” God’s not in heaven laughing at our dreams and wishes, singing that He can do better, but He could and He can! Go back to the definition of ‘exceed.’ To go beyond what is allowed…who are we to think we could “allow” God to do anything? We put Him in a box if we don’t believe that He can go BEYOND our wildest dreams, that He wants more for us than we could ever ask or desire for ourselves. Philippians 4:6 tells us to come to God, through prayer and with thanks, and make our requests known to Him. When you’ve prayed your most earnest prayer and you’ve dreamed your biggest dream, stay focused and wait…He wants to abundantly exceed your expectations!


Thanksgiving Math


From Victim to Victor