Thanksgiving Math

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As we head into Thanksgiving, let’s reflect a little on what it means to be thankful. Sometimes, when put on the spot, people have a hard time saying what they’re thankful for, but it’s pretty easy, if you do the math. There’s an equation for thanksgiving:

ADD your blessings. Do you think Moses came up blank when asked what he was thankful for? What about Pharaoh, or the parting of the Red Sea? Remember the cloud by day and the manna? God has done things in your life and if you truly reflect back, you’ll be able to see how blessed you really are.

SUBTRACT your losses. These could be physical losses like a loved one or a job, maybe they’re defeats, failures, or humiliation and bitterness. We all have losses; that’s just the nature of life. But hopefully your win column is longer than your loss column.

MULTIPY your promises. The bible is full of God’s promises to us. When we know them, REALLY know them, and believe they are true for us, we can rest assured that our blessings will continue to outshine our losses.

DIVIDE your burdens. The bible says in Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” By taking on the burden of others, your burden becomes lighter. I know some of you are saying, “But I’ve got enough burdens, I can’t handle anyone else’s.” But remember this is NEW math—well actually it’s ancient math—but God says by taking on the burden of your neighbor, He will make yours lighter. Sometimes when we help out a friend or neighbor, we get a good feeling on the inside and that feeling often leads to the realization that our burden wasn’t so bad after all.

So do the math and remember, the secret to thanksgiving is contentment. Go to the book of “betters.” Proverbs is full of betters; “Better is a meal of bread and water in contented peace than a banquet spiced with quarrels.” Prov. 17:1 (MSG) There’s a better way and a better life when we can be content with where we are, who we are and what we have. Be thankful today…be thankful EVERY day.



