

Have you ever slept on your arm for so long that it “falls asleep?” It feels like you’ve cut off your circulation and when you change positions or move around, you get that “pins and needles” sensation as blood gushes into your veins, like water raging through a broken dam. If you try to move your arm, it can feel like a dead weight, flopping around in its numbness.

When I started writing about this, I figured I better do my research and found that this common phenomenon is not a circulation issue, but is nerve related. The explanation I found said this, “During REM sleep, the brain sends a signal to cause a body-wide paralysis. The purpose of this is to keep you from acting out dreams (which occur during REM). But if you wake up during one of these phases, you can be conscious before you fully regain control of your limbs. This is called sleep paralysis.” (www.vox.com)

I know…you’re asking…how does this give me hope? Why am I writing about my arm being asleep? Well, I’m gonna tell you! How completely amazing is it that we serve a God who is so incredibly brilliant? In the very beginning, when He created man, He designed our bodies so perfectly that they would function with absolute precision. The brain is such a complex organ, it’s no wonder that neurosurgeons are one of the highest paid surgeons in the medical field. I am utterly in awe when I really stop to think about the intricacies of the human body and how God thought of every scenario and worked His design until it was flawless perfection.

The bible tells us in Psalm 139 that He knit us together in our mother’s womb, that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In the Hebrew language, ‘fearfully’ means with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and respect. Translated in Hebrew, ‘wonderfully’ means unique and set apart. When He created you, it wasn’t an assembly line, cookie cutter design. No, He planned you with deep thought and great admiration. Ps. 139 says He knitted you. Have you ever seen anyone knit? It is a tedious and intricate craft, but it can create the most beautiful pieces of art. God wouldn’t use the word tedious to describe His work in you, instead He would consider it worthy and necessary. You may not like what you see when you look in the mirror, but to Him, you are perfect!

In Genesis, you read about all of His creations, that God “saw that it was good.” God created everything for the purpose of His glory and He is most glorified when His creations function according to His design. It is our gift to Him to recognize His great love for us by seeing ourselves the way He sees us…flawless!



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