I Long for the Quiet

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten my phone out to take notes while watching a movie at the theater, but I did when I saw “Jesus Revolution.” One line really captured me, even Dennis leaned over and said “there’s a HOPE Note.” It was this, “The truth is quiet…it’s the lies that are loud.”  

Pastor has told us so many times that Satan is just a talking torso…he’s been de‘feet’ed and dis‘arm’ed, so how is it he beats us up so badly? It’s because he still has a voice. He is the father of lies—it’s his only weapon against us, and if we aren’t secure in who we are as children of God, then the lies are loud and they drown out the truth. 

The truth is there…it’s all around us but we, as a society of believers, are being bombarded with social issues that scream lies; it’s being taught to our children as truth, as “normal,” and it’s embedded into TV, social media, and the media. We can say we’ll boycott those things that don’t line up with our morals and beliefs, but to avoid it, we’d have to become hermits, never leaving our homes, never watching TV or listening to the radio. It’s depressing…BUT God. 

When we armor ourselves with REAL truth, we can better withstand the fiery darts the devil spews at us and not fall prey to the lies that he tries to sell us as truth. The bible says although we live IN the world, we are not OF the world. Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” We can live amongst the chaos without being changed by it ONLY if we stay connected to the Vine of truth, by testing what we encounter with the Word of God.  

The truth is quiet…it’s the lies that are loud.



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