Just One More Question?

Do you remember when your kids were little and they’d ask you questions…ALL…DAY…LONG? Mommy, why doesn’t the sky fall on us? How do snails work? How do people fit in the TV? Why is the moon called the moon? Why don’t crabs have eyebrows? ALL…DAY…LONG! It could be mentally exhausting, and sometimes annoying, and unfortunately that frustration would sometimes come out in our voices, as we answered abruptly or told them to be quiet.

Moses was no toddler, but he sure did ask a lot of questions. God revealed Himself to Moses in a burning bush and asked Moses to free the Israelites. Afterwards, the insecurity floodgate was opened and the questions started…Why me? What if they don’t listen? What if they don’t believe me? Who do I tell them sent me? The bible does say that God was angered with Moses, but not because of his countless questions; but instead for his lack of faith. First of all, Moses is talking to a bush that is not burning up in the flames. That’s miracle #1. God turned Moses’ staff into a snake when he threw it to the ground, and back into a staff when he picked it up. Miracle #2. He told Moses to put his hand in his pocket, and when he removed it, his hand was leprous. Back in the pocket, leprosy gone. Miracle #3. That’s like sitting front row, watching a magician work his sleight of hand tricks. How do you still doubt after seeing God turn a stick into a snake right before your very eyes?

God may have been angered with Moses for his lack of faith, but He answered every question, until Moses was able to go and do what the Father had asked of Him. Thankfully, our Daddy God is not that easily annoyed with us when we ask questions, in fact He asks us to question Him, to seek out His wisdom. James 1:5. Proverbs 8:11 says that wisdom is better than jewels. The only way to gain wisdom is to learn, and the only way to learn is to ask questions. He would rather listen to your countless questions than for you to try to go it on your own.


Solid as a Rock


He Shall Be Called…