Solid as a Rock

Hillsong sings a song about Christ alone is the “Cornerstone,” which is the name of the song. What does that mean? In the architectural community, a cornerstone is the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation. All other stones are set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure. Cornerstones represent strength, foundation, and support.

So, using that definition, Jesus is the first stone in a foundation and all other stones (you and me) are aligned because of His position. He represents strength, foundation, and support. The song sings, “Christ alone…” It’s not Jesus and Mary, or Jesus and His disciples, it’s not Jesus and your best friends, boss or spouse…It’s Christ ALONE. All too often, we put our trust in people or things, instead of God, and rarely does that end well.

In the 7th chapter of Matthew, Jesus compares hearing and applying His words to a man who builds his house upon a rock, so that when storms come, the house will not fall, because it was built on a firm foundation. He then says if we don’t listen to His words, it’s like building our house on sand, and when the storms come, the house will fall, because the foundation washes out from under the house.

Is Christ alone your cornerstone? Have you placed your trust solely in Him to withstand the rising tides and the haunting winds that try to take us out? With the turmoil we’re seeing in our world today, I encourage you to examine the blueprints of your heart and make adjustments as necessary to ensure you’re using the right Cornerstone! Copy this and put it where you can see it every day…On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.


God Bless America!


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