Keep Watering!
If you live in Texas, you know we are surviving some very hot temperatures as well as a season of drought. One without the other is not pleasant, but manageable, however, both together is really taking its toll…not just on people, but animals and plants too. Trees are dying and snapping in two, and brown leaves are falling out of the trees, but not because it’s Autumn. Beautiful green lawns that used to qualify for yard-of-the-month are now brown and crunchy under your feet. Many people have given up watering, one because of the extreme cost and two, because it seems futile under these conditions.
Several years ago, during a similar drought…minus these insane temperatures, I urged Dennis to water less because our water bill was exceeding our electric bill. We have a sprinkler system that waters the flower beds around the house and the front and back yards. He explained to me why he would absolutely NOT cut back. He said watering is not just to keep the plants and grass alive; when the sprinklers are on, they also protect our foundation from getting too dry, causing it to crack. He said the water bill was cheaper than a new slab. I’ve never argued since about the cost of watering.
In our spiritual life, we have a similar foundation…one that needs our constant attention and nurturing, and we must protect it at all cost. If you’re living for God, your foundation is the solid rock…aka Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him. Sometimes, we are forced to make hard decisions and it’s far less complicated to take the easy road, maybe the one that doesn’t cost us so dearly. But if our choices weaken our integrity or circumvent our moral standards, we’ve subjected our foundation to cracking and deterioration.
You will experience drought in your walk with God, so how do you protect your foundation? Keep watering!!! You can’t give up…not when the world tells you to or because it seems too futile to fight. It’s gonna cost you, but you have to determine in your mind that nothing is greater than protecting your relationship with Jesus. Trust Him…He will bring the rain.