Look Who’s Laughing Now!

Although most of us rely on our smart phones for taking pictures, professional photographers still prefer their larger digital cameras, with special lenses and telescoping technology to capture the best images. I remember when we had a digital camera, you had to zoom in and out and adjust dials to focus on an image. When you did everything correctly, the thing that captured your attention became crystal clear, worthy of taking its picture and making a memory.

Focus is a very important component in the life of the believer. When we lose our focus, our views on what we know to be truth become fuzzy and distorted. But we don’t “just lose our focus,” Satan attacks it, making us more confused and easily manipulated. When the devil is attacking your focus, he’s attempting to alter your perspectives so that you’ll begin to doubt yourself, God, and anyone else that attempts to speak truth into your life. We hear it from our pastors, we read it in the bible, we MUST know God’s word if we are to fight the good fight. But I’ve come to believe it is also very important to know Satan, to understand just how devious he is, to know that his goal is to steal you from God, no matter how long it takes, no matter the cost.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” This tells me that if I’m focusing all my attention on fighting my friends and family for all the wrongs in my life, I’m wasting precious time, because I’m fighting the wrong battle to begin with; and all the while, the devil just sits and laughs.

Satan’s standards are always dark and deceptive, while God’s standards are always truth. The devil thrives on disfunction and God thrives on harmony. If you’re feeling a little “out of focus,” maybe you can use these distinctions to help you get back in alignment. Zoom in and out to regain perspective; keep adjusting settings until you have your Father in your sights again; THEN, with boldness and clarity, you tell that scoundrel, “Look who’s laughin’ now!”




“Boldly” Boldly


Spring Cleaning