Serving…Title or Towel?

I’m not a huge basketball fan, but I know enough to say that it is a team sport. Sure, one may score the points, but without the help of the ones who stole the ball, dribbled it down the court, blocked the opponents, and passed the ball, the one who scored could not have done his part. 1 Cor 12:27 tells us that as the body of Christ, we ALL play a part, just like the players on a basketball team. When we can recognize that our part is necessary and valued, there’s no need to compete with someone else’s part. We get into foul territory when we extinguish the talents of others to ignite our own; instead, we should be igniting each other.

We are to use our talents to serve one another and to glorify God, not to boast about ourselves, or seek fame for our service.  I’m a “behind the scenes” kind of girl; I’ve always been shy and don’t like a lot of spot light. Others, though, sometimes choose not to serve UNLESS they can be seen. 2 Cor 10:12-18 (AMP) Paul tells the people of Corinth that the false prophets bragged about their own skills and wisdom and that he would not be a part of that competition. Vs. 17 and 18 says, “However, let him who boasts, boast in the Lord. For it is not he who commends and praises himself who is approved [by God], but it is the one whom the Lord commends and praises.” The only recognition we need to seek is that of God.

We’ve all read about Jesus washing the feet of His disciples, but have you ever REALLY stopped to think about it? The King of the world, the Messiah, on bended knees, washing the sweaty, dirty feet of His best friends and then taking a towel to gently dry them off, in preparation of their last supper. Some would say, “Gross, that’s not my job.” Others might ask, “Why on earth would He do that?” The answer is simple…He might have been a King, but to them, He was a teacher and at that moment He was demonstrating what it meant to serve in humility; to serve without accolades; to serve only to glorify His Father. At that moment, it was not about the title; it was all about the towel.


Don’t You Dare Forget


Lifter of My Head