What Happens AFTER the Miracle?

Have you ever thrown a stone onto a lake in such a way that it ripples across the surface for quite a way before gravity causes it to finally sink? Maybe if you’re like me, you’ve tried, but it doesn’t skip for near as long as someone else’s stone! It takes a lot of practice I imagine to hone that technique...picking the right stone and having just the right position of arm and wrist. But it’s that ripple effect that made me think about miracles…what happens AFTER the miracle?

We know that bible is full of miracles…the parting of the Red Sea, Jesus turns water into wine and feeds over 5000 people with 2 fish and a loaf of bread…the list is long. We see miracles too…some wait for grand signs to call something a miracle, others see miracles in the smaller things. Either way, miracles are spectacular, faith-building and often life-changing. But have you ever considered how many people your miracle touches?

Many times, if I’m praying for someone who’s in the hospital, I will pray for their healing and that everyone that comes into contact with them would be changed. Doctors and nurses are trained with science, so when they see the “unexplainable,” it has an effect on them, even if they deny it. It may cause them to seek answers, maybe start going to church, and then their whole family is going to church and learning about God. Maybe then they get a miracle and more people witness that and get saved. Ripple effect…

I truly believe that miracles are all around me and even though one may be clearly for my benefit, it is not ONLY for my benefit. We will say sometimes when one action solves more than one problem, “killed two birds with one stone.” I think it’s God’s design with miracles to “kill two birds with one stone.” If He can reach hundreds by healing one, it’s a win/win for a multitude. Not that God operates under what we know as time…24 hours in a day…but why wouldn’t He be effective and want many to be touched by one miracle? Since God is all knowing, I doubt He cares about the odds, but odds are that not all will seek Him after witnessing a miracle, but I have to believe that some do, and the bible tells us that everything is worth the price if just one enters the Kingdom.

So, the next time you witness a miracle, pray that God uses it to reach many and ask Him how you can help make that happen, again and again and again. Ripple effect.


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