When It’s O.K. to Quit


In this week between Christmas and New Year's, many are thinking of resolutions, things they need to do or change. Maybe instead of things to do, how about 5 things to quit doing?

1. Quit trying to please everyone-it's impossible so just try to please God instead.

2. Quit fearing change-change is inevitable, fear is optional.

3. Quit living in the past-if God's already delivered you from your past, why do you want to go back? Eyes ahead and press forward

4. Quit putting yourself down-If you don't love you, no one can love you. Sure, we can all better ourselves, but embrace the process.

5. Quit overthinking-if God intended for you to have all the answers, He would have made you God.

I don’t know what 2021 holds, but I do know we can’t live in fear. You can be smart, you can be cautious and STILL live your dash…live your life and fulfill your purpose. We aren’t guaranteed any tomorrows, so QUIT worrying about yours and resolve to love life in the coming New Year.


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