How Will You Celebrate Jesus?


Many years ago, a tradition was started in our family. My mother-in-law divided up the second chapter of Luke and had each grandkid read a section. As more grandkids were born and were able to read, she would divide it up once again. They’d all sit with her and read their passages from her bible; some were bold, eager readers, while some were quiet and shy. But the point was, that as a family, we celebrated and honored the birth of Jesus Christ. Several of my nephews are married now, as well as my son, so the list has changed to include their wives, giving all the grandkids their new reading “assignment.” A couple of years ago, we flowed into chapter three, because our family is growing and we outgrew just one chapter!  

What is your tradition to celebrate Jesus? If you don’t have one, think of a way you can honor Him this year. It’s never too late to start a memory. Have a very Merry Christmas.


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