Making Time For God


When Dennis and I first got married, we had to budget every dime because we made just enough to pay the bills and buy some groceries. As time went on, it became easier to loosen the purse strings a little to allow for a few luxuries, and the budget didn’t have to be so strict.

I’m grateful that I don’t have to worry so much about my money budget anymore, but money isn’t the only thing that requires a budget. If we’re smart, we learn to budget our time; and if we’re truthful, we’re not that good at it…at least not when it comes to prayer.

When we budget our money, each dollar is allocated towards something, so we can be sure that every need is covered. So why are we so lax in allocating our time with God; why do we expect that at some point in the day, we will magically find time to pray, knowing that unexpected things always arise, throwing us off track? Have you ever called the doctor’s office trying to get an appointment and they say they can “work you in?” We all know what that means…sitting and waiting…sometimes for an hour or more…just to get a moment with the medicine man. Do you ever think God is calling us, trying to get an appointment and the best we can do is “work Him in?” 

God loves you and He wants to spend time with you, but He wants you to make time for Him. Quality time. Allocated time. When we block out time in our day that is devoted to Him, it shows Him that we put a high value on our quiet time with Him. As important as money is, it means nothing if we can’t spend time with our Father, giving Him thanks for His provision, asking for His direction for that provision, and making our requests known to Him.

If you don’t live within your budget, your bank account will dry up. If you don’t budget in time for God, your heart will dry up. Your paper money won’t mean much once you’re gone. Relationship is the currency of the Kingdom…that’s the budget you need to be living by.


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