The Fall From Arrogance

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a message inspired by notes that I’d taken during a movie, “Jesus Revolution.” (Don’t judge me…I fully accept that I’m a nerd!) Another scene that inspired me was of the pastor, Chuck, who felt he had messed up with how he’d dealt with Lonnie, the leader of the hippies. His wife, Kay, told him, “Don’t be so arrogant that God can’t work through your failures.” Wow! 

When Lonnie came into Chuck’s life, the church where Pastor Chuck preached was dead. After a short time, the church had exploded, so much so they had to start meeting under a tent. In a real-world situation, this rapid growth could cause anyone to puff up and take credit, but being on a false high only causes more pain when you crash hard down to reality, the knowledge that all glory goes to God…that He is the reason for the growth. 

Arrogance is described as “an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner.” When I looked up this definition, it also listed synonyms such as haughtiness and even lordliness…making yourself as an equal to God. Yikes! When we become arrogant, we become unteachable, because we think we’ve reached a point of hierarchy, a pecking order that places us above others. That’s a dangerous place to be because at that point, God can’t work through your failures.  

When we humble ourselves before God and others, He and they will see that you are genuine, your motives are pure and that you own your mistakes, seeking counsel from the Father. Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” He can and is happy to grow you through your failures…ALL of them, no matter how big or small, when we humble ourselves and ask for His guidance.


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